I recently read Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. It was sent to me by a friend, along with a highlighter, because "you might need it." I did use the highlighter. I found the book challenging and oddly encouraging. Not that it said much that I hadn't read before, but it said a lot of things that we can all stand to be reminded of, and made me consider if I've been actively pursuing life in light of Christ's love, or just sort of drifting along on whatever I learned the last time that I read a book like this. This is the first in several (I'm not sure how many) posts about things I learned or remembered reading this book.
God has a personality. More like, God is a personality. It's odd how this surprised me, but it did. It's another one of the things that I've always known but never realized. I was honestly so startled by this that I found myself sputtering to the towel in my hand: "God has a p...per... personality." And as though the words had made it real, I felt it. I felt God as a completely separate Person pressing against my consciousness. A person who loves and hates, laughs and cries, feels joy and sorrow, greed and generosity, and the whole host of emotions like me. But not just like me, because I feel those things finitely and in part. He feels and is those things infinitely and completely.
It's odd how much of a difference it makes to think of interacting with a person, instead of a list of attributes. Quite a startling sort of thing. Mr. Beaver's description of Aslan takes on a whole new significance: he's not safe, but he's good.
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